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Economically Speaking, Gingrich Would Change It All

Once considered a long-shot for the chance to run against Obama in the upcoming 2012 elections for US president, today Gingrich is the front runner, and as such it is only fitting to discover what changes he would make in the US economy if he were to be voted into office in November 2012.

For the former Speaker of the House, it appears there is almost nothing he wouldn’t change of the present national economic policy.

Mr. Gingrich states that he would like to repeal the health care and Wall Street reform laws. He would also like to evaporate estate and capital gains taxes as well as Sarbanes-Oxley and the Community Reinvestment Act.

If he could have it his way, he would drastically reduce corporate tax rates and substantially reform many, if not all, entitlement programs. He would also like to see major reform at the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency.

And he’s not done yet:

Gingrich would roll up his sleeves and balance the budget, extend Bush tax cuts, put in place an optional flat tax, reform the Federal Reserve and break up Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

For a more detailed survey of what Newt Gingrich’s economic America would look like, go to:

Living with Terra

Sometimes its refreshing to look at the upside of our economy.  As standard investments seem to be shaking, technology seems to be sticking at least as far as Teradata Corporation (TDC) is concerned.  Teradata led by James M. Ringler, Edward Pete Boykin, and Nancy E. Cooper has been expanding as far as both stock price and revenue is concerned.  Its stock price has almost doubled since last year at this time.

The CEO  Michael Koehler made the following statement at the company’s Q2 conference call:

“Turning to guidance, we are increasing our revenue growth guidance for 2011, from a range of 14% – 16% to a range of 18% – 20%. And we’re increasing EPS from a range of $2.13 to $2.23 to a range of $2.20 to $2.28.”

Ultimately this is a company you want yo keep an eye on and hope that more companies like Teradata follow suit.  If the Western economies have any chance at rescuing themselves it will have to be with cutting edge technological expertise.

Will Apple Survive Without Steve Jobs?

The big news (besides Hurricane Irene) is that Apple has lost it’s chief innovator Steve Jobs.  Steve Jobs is essentially Apple and without him the company stock price fell.  One can say lots of things about the world we live in, but Steve Jobs and Apple have revolutionized the way we communicate and process information and because of that his departure seems to be a serious blow to Apple, or is it?

Bill Gates Departed First

Many people had the same reaction to Microsoft’s future when Bill Gates departed, but Microsoft is alive and thriving.  Essentially, Apple under the stewardship of its new CEO Tim Cook will still make iPhones and they will still push forward innovation after innovation.  This is not to say that the transition will be smooth, but big companies are often larger than the vision of one man.  Apple has teams of people who think big and there is no doubt that the future is still bright.

Apple and the Far East

Even with a leadership transition at the top of Apple, the company has made tremendous in roads in Asian markets by connecting with some of the largest communication companies in China.  Apple is in talks with both China Telecom Corp. and China Mobile Limited.  Both of these companies would incorporate the iPhone in their cell phone packages.  This is a tremendous market that would drive Apple revenues and stock even higher.

Economic Woes Scare Off Purchasers

Economic problems, especially unemployment and potential firings due to the economic downturn may well dampen consumer spending. Many people today have family members or friends, or friends of friends who are out of work. This reality is penetrating people’s psychological defenses that “it could never happen to me!” When you hear about something enough, you start to think that maybe “it could happen to me”.

People start trying to cut spending when they can. It can mean little cuts like not going out to eat so much or even saving on the morning cup of coffee on the way to work. Savings can also be achieved by not replacing big and medium ticket items as frequently as one would like.

For example, people may decide to continue driving their present car rather than obligating themselves for more monthly payments for a new car. This would hurt Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, as well as foreign car manufacturers who have dealerships in America. And think of all of the industries that are dependent on the car industry including rubber for tires, glass for windows, metal for car bodies, electronics, and plastics etc. At least the mechanics will benefit from having more cars repairs.

Another example is that people can keep their present furniture for longer rather than replacing it as soon as they would like. This would hurt the furniture manufacturing, wholesale and retail industries. This goes with everything that we use every day.

Now take this to an international level with hundreds of millions of people cutting back on purchases.  Manufacturers no longer need to produce so much so they fire workers. These ex-workers cannot afford to buy as much, etc. We have the chicken and the egg syndrome until the economy finds a new balance that can both provide jobs for people and provide them with the goods and services that they can afford.  Stimulus packages were supposed to do this but they were applied irresponsibly. We have to wait and hope that after the elections, new leadership will prove itself.

Business Teachers Kate and William?



Learn Marketing From Upcoming Royal Wedding 

For sure the royals know how to get publicity.  So maybe business and marketing gurus can take a lesson or two from Prince William and his royal-wife-to-be’s upcoming wedding. There are certainly going to be tons of celebrations to mark the upcoming April 29th wedding, set to attract “a worldwide TV audience of 1 billion, while royalty enthusiasts pump a whopping US$!-billion into the UK economy.”  But is there anything in particular that regular marketers can learn from the exciting event?

Big-Time Sales and Tricks

There have definitely been some notable marketing sales for the wedding, and even the engagement, which reached a staggering estimated cost of $19.5-29 million and the wedding stuff up to $42 million.  Further, approximately $351 is estimated for travel and tourism.

There has of course been a Kate Middleton engagement ring replica (that’s perhaps not surprising) but is there anything that IS a surprise and what does it teach those who want to glean marketing lessons from this?  Apparently quire a few.  First, be a class act; royal aprons, tea-towels and t-shirts have been banned (seen as “not in good taste”) in favor of mugs, plates and commemorative coins which are way less tacky.

Focus on the individual approach:  today, marketers need to focus specifically on each customer to ensure that they feel special and unique.  For example, some restaurants are not establishing “special events, from themed menus and free cake to special decorations and big screen TV coverage,” with Dunkin Donuts having added the ‘Royal Wedding Donut’ to its delicious donut choices.

Ensure your social media is in top shape.  Schwepps jumped on the bandwagon with the creation of a “wedding card for people to sign on Facebook – in addition to its selection of limited edition wedding bottles.”  Be charitable.  William and Kate have set up a charity gift website so that their guests are easily able to donate to their selected charities.  Clearly the royals aren’t exactly going to require a new set of towels or contributions to a bedroom suite.  Look beyond your goal.  There will no doubt be continued hype on April 30th and beyond and that is what marketers have to ensure as well, guarding against an anti-climax.

So while it may just look like a lot of silly hype, the upcoming royal wedding might really be able to provide some great lessons for those looking to step up their marketing efforts.