John H. Hammergren was elected CEO of McKesson Corporation in 2001 and a year later its Chairman. Today he also holds the position of President at the company. With Hammergren at the helm, the company today boasts being the “leading provider of healthcare services and information technology solutions that help organizations across the healthcare industry improve their business performance and deliver better care to patients.” Furthermore, since he came on board in these top executive roles, McKesson has increased its revenues to $123 billion; moved into new markets; stands at Number 14 on the Fortune 500 and was named by Fortune Magazine, the Most Admired healthcare wholesaler.
According to a piece about Hammergren in Reference for Business, the man was “exalted as being ‘squeaky clean with a knack for complexity’ in an era following not-so-squeaky-clean executives of companies such as Enron, Tyco, World-Com, and even former executives of his own company.”