Tag Archives: Eirik Nesse.

Ceragon Networks Is Looking forward To A growth Spurt Next Year

Ceregon Networks reported lower than expected profits because of acquisition but believes that by the end of 2012, this will be resolved. The company forecasts revenue growth to be slower than expected but that profit will improve in 2012.

Ceragon supplies networks which connect operators’ networks with cellular radio masts. Earlier this year, Ceragon acquired Nera Networks, a microwave radio system company in Norway. It was a losing company and Ceragon is willing to take the time and effort to turn the company around. Although the acquisition lowered profitability in the third quarter, it raised revenue by 86%. Operating profits are growing from quarter to quarter.

The main managers of Ceragon Networks are Thomas Kndusson, Uzi Sharabi, John Earley, Eyal Assa, Sharon Ganot,  Ram Prakash Tripathi, Aviram Steinhart, S. Jayne Leighton, Donna Gershowitz, Eran Westman, Ole Lars Oye, Gil Solovey, Hagai Zyss, Tsipi Kagan, Gordon, Udi Gordon, Peter Humphreys, and Eirik Nesse.

Disclaimer: in information in this article is insufficient to base investment decisions on. All decisions should be based on a thorough analysis of the investment.